Making Sense 1
What ways are there of making sense of the world, and how can we measure their varying degrees of effectiveness? We paddle through life on a river of emotions. These emotions can be attributed to any number of things, from loving dolphins to despising floor lamps. Let us call the objects of considered in our attention at any given moment, the present stimuli. It may be unfair to attribute all drives to the vague term of "emotion", but no categories are perfect - let us pursue this until absurdity arises. Under this theory, things make a whole lot of sense: if we assume that an emotion can be attributed to any set of present stimuli (green, leafy foliage versus smiling faces of approval) with some being more salient to certain people than others (a botanist versus a comedian) this does not run counter to the milieu of individual tastes that crowd our melting pot. Now, what happens to emotions as time goes on? We know for a fact that they change, to varying degrees. A honking ...